This week, some of you may have noticed issues with Turnitin similarity scores or delays in receiving your Turnitin reports. We're here to keep you informed and make sure you’re not feeling stressed about this. Here’s everything you need to know and what you can do while the situation is being addressed by the University.
This is your change to shape how your Students' Association works. From how you decide on campaigns and priorities to your student leaders. From what we lobby the university on to how we advocate for you with local government. We want you to have a say and get involved in your Student Voice Project.
Tech Support: Assignment Submission Issues. We understand that navigating submission deadlines can be stressful, especially when technical issues arise.
Our candidates for Student President 24/25 have begun their campaigns today!
Voting in the Student President 24/25 Elections is now open! Here's some reasons why you should cast your vote now.
The search for our next Student President of your Arden University Students' Association is about to begin as nominations open today!
I’m Jay, your new Students’ Association President, here for the next year to represent you and make sure your voice is heard! I ‘ve been on the job for a couple of weeks now, diving into the work you elected me to do, so I thought it was time to introduce myself and let you know what I have been up to.
Charan Kaur, the Students' Association Representation Coordinator, shares a recap of recent achievements of and future initiatives for our Student Representative Network.
Welcome to your Students' Association website - here you will find everything you need to know about who we are, why we are here to support you, how to get involved or contact your representatives, opportunities to share your feedback, and much more to support you throughout your time at Arden.