We are all affected by the Cost of Living Crisis wherever you are studying, but as a student, you may experience additional impacts to the way you navigate Cost of Living. We’ve compiled the range of current support on offer to you as an Arden University student, so if you need financial support, you can access this.



But we want to go further. We have launched our first ever Students’ Association research project to understand how the Cost of Living crisis is impacting all Arden University students. This 10 minute anonymous survey, will help us identify, across a range of themes, what the biggest challenges are that you are facing and where the University needs to provide more help, guidance and information.


Our role as your Students’ Association is to represent you to the University, based on your feedback, your needs and your experiences. By completing the survey you will help us to campaign for change for you, and with you.


To thank you for your feedback, once you have completed the survey, you can choose to be entered into our participation prize draw for a chance to: 

  • Win one of three £100 Amazon e-vouchers* 

  • Receive a £10 Amazon-evoucher* if you are one of the first 30 students to complete the survey.

*view the terms and conditions here



The Access and Participation Plan:

This research will also contribute to how we articulate how 'Cost Pressures' impact you as an Arden student, in our Student Submission for the Access & Participation Plan. The Access & Participation Plan is a formal document every University must complete to specifically highlight how they will support students from all backgrounds, to thrive at University. The Student Submission (due to be submitted in October 2024) is an independent report summarising authentic and real student experiences, alongside student data, to ensure your feedback is at the heart of what changes Arden will be delivering so that all students have equitable opportunities when accessing or progressing their Higher Educational experience.

The Student Submission has been supported and written by a Panel of Students since January who represent a range of diverse backgrounds and characteristics, to ensure that experience and feedback is informing how we represent your views in the Access & Participation Student Submission


If you are in need of support related to the Cost of Living Crisis, please find some useful contacts and links below.